Guiding principles for a successful business

Guiding principles for a successful business

How is it that one business can take resources and create profit while another can take the same resources and fail? The answer is pretty simple. Successful companies are always looking at what’s next and how do we improve!

We have managed and supported many businesses but each one is unique and has a different marketing strategy. I’ll be sharing with you the key principles that are used to manage and cultivate successful and extraordinary businesses.

Here are guiding principles for a successful business:

Principle 1:   Clarity: We spend days developing, working on and distinguishing what we want. What do our clients want? What does our business look like when it is successful? It is amazing to me how many businesses’ “feel” like they aren’t successful. I ask one simple question, “What would it feel like if it was successful and what would your staff look like?” The answer is almost unanimously, “I DON’T KNOW!” How can you possibly have a successful company if YOU haven’t defined success? IF your team hasn’t defined success! What are your objectives? What are your goals? You must write them down and tell your team! Engage your team in a brainstorming session with each team member contributing to the greater cause and bigger vision of the company and let them take ownership of their role in the success or failure of the company.

Principle 2:  Honesty:  A business that cultivates honesty or candor can’t go wrong! Remember the saying: ‘the truth will set you free”? Well, when you create a culture that allows people to be responsible and communicate breakdowns,  you are offering a benefit that most companies can’t match! Too many businesses want to sweep things under the mat and not address upsets or challenges. I say bring them on! The bigger the breakdown the bigger the break through! Ask yourself, “Do I really want to know the truth about my company?” If the answer is NO we have a problem!

Principle 3:  Openness: This is a great one. Is the leadership in the business open to contribution from every member of the team? From the CEO to the assistant or the cleaning crew! Each person on your team is seeing and hearing things that you can’t see. Are you available and eager to hear those things? Let’s face it, I may not always like it but it always stimulates something unique and different in my company!

Principle 4:  Intention: An Intention is different from a goal. An intention is, without a shadow of a doubt, this will happen in our business! It makes each person create the system that will generate the intended results and the action steps to make it happen.

Principle 5: Quantifiable Results: This is my personal favorite! What you can measure you can see.  What you can’t quantify you can’t re-produce! If you want to watch your business explode, manage every department by budgets and numbers! Put an intention that you can measure to see how you accomplish that! The mind can only go to one dominate thought at a time you might as well set some big goals and play full out!

Principle 6:  Completion/ Celebration: What gets rewarded gets repeated! When was the last time you celebrated the team success just because? When was the last time you got your team together, looked them in the eyes, and acknowledged them for a job well done and mean it? This is the juice that keeps the team moving forward and producing extraordinary results!

Whether you are an official leader or just a voice in your business, as leaders when we change and treat our employees and coworkers differently, by changing their environment we ultimately change them! This has lasting results, this is miraculous power, and it is your power and YOUR CHOICE!

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